My Journey with Amy Schumer (& Her New Book)

Amy Schumer. That’s all I have to say about her. I mean really I have very few words to describe her. Okay.. okay. I might be stretching the truth here a bit. I wasn’t really introduced to Amy until I saw the trailers for her movie Trainwreck. I didn’t know she was a comedian. I didn’t know her story. I barely knew what she looked like but hey it’s alright that I sometimes live under a proverbial rock. Anyways, I finally saw Trainwreck after it was an “on demand” option. And it was hilarious. Irreverent? Yes! Had me in stitches for much of it? YES! Hit a little too close to home? Alright I admit it, I was a bit shocked at the relatability to the whole story. (Even though I don’t live a larger than life existence.)

That’s how I got my start with Amy. After that I started watching her show occasionally and enjoyed it. I added her on Instagram and have fun watching her with her family and others. Enter her newest book. Yes, Amy Schumer wrote a book. The book entitled, The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo came out earlier this year and I’ve been waiting anxiously for it from the library for weeks! Now something you might not know about me is that I love audiobooks. In fact I sometimes go through periods of time where I read more audiobooks than physical books. Many memoirs I enjoy listening to more than I ever would reading them for one simply reason: The author reads their book. What that meant for this book is that for 8 plus hours I got to listen to Amy tell me all about her life. And let me tell you she is a dynamic reader!

Listening to a book in short essay format was perfect for me. Listening to a story between my house and work, listen to a few on a trip up the freeway, even listened to a few while wandering the aisles of the grocery store. Perfect bite sized stories. The majority of the chapters in this book focused on Amy’s past and how she became the comedic genius that she is today. This book is raw. She opens up her soul and gives the reader that sliver of self that we don’t like to show to others. She delves into personal experiences that leave you raw after listening to them. Despite touching on sensitive topics, these stories are paired with humorous instances and drive. The drive that Amy shows is never something I expected to be shown in this book. It is conveyed how hard she worked for what she has and all the setbacks that she’s experienced.

One of her last essays was about how she met and started dating her current boyfriend Ben. It said all I feel about the use of dating apps. All guys have the same photo, sound the same and make you feel like crap about who you are because you’re not a perfect model. Girl knows how to relate. She reminds you that you don’t need someone else to justify who you are. Don’t change who you are to be more likeable by a specific guy.

You might be able to tell that Amy Schumer has become a little bit of a girl crush for me. Her book, though a bandwagon read, did not disappoint. This book was what I didn’t know I needed from a female in the public eye. It was raw, bitter and above all honest. She is not ashamed of who she is and who she knows. She doesn’t apologize for what she’s done or for who she is. I don’t recommend this book if you’re just looking for a light comedic read but if you like a mix of comedy, serious topics and just out right hilarity…I dare you to not enjoy this book.

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